Monday, August 4, 2008

2008 Birthday Challenge

I will be 59 on August 10, 2008. Since that falls on a Sunday I will attempt my birthday challenge over that weekend with the bulk of the challenge being on Friday. If the weather doesn't cooperate, Saturday will be the "plan b" day.

The challenge is to lead 59 routes at Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in Jasper Arkansas. The plan is to allow repeat leads of the same route but nothing below 5.8. Since Natalie and I did 60 routes each in 24 hours during the HCR Hell competition last year, the goal is certainly within reach. The difference is that we did quite a few 5.7's in that comp and it actually took 23 hours. I hope to average 4 routes per hour (giving my belayers a chance to get some climbing in too) so the goal it to complete all leads in 15 hours.

The weekend of July 24th Nat and I averaged almost 3 routes an hour each and did two laps each on all our targeted 5.10's in HCR's North Forty. Nat has agreed to be a partial belay slave (she will do one lap to my 2 or 3 laps) so if my hands hold up I hope to push that up to 4 routes per hour.

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